Well, Christmas is essentially over. It's usually at this time of the day that I get a little sad. All of the hype and anticipation are over. This year, as we were driving home from my mom's house, I had some time to reflect on my favorite part(s) of Christmas.
#1. My mom goes way out of her way to try and make Christmas special for everyone in some way. That's something I hope to pass along to my children someday.
#2. I love to watch others open their presents. I want to see the look on their faces when they get that one special Christmas wish.
#3. Danny and I started officially dating on Christmas day 7 years ago. We've made it a tradition to write each other a letter reflecting on the year and the things we've learned and the ways we've grown in our love for one another. More than any other gift, I look forward to this one from him the most. I have a drawer packed full of letters and notes from him that I'll cherish forever. My hope and prayer is that we will continue this Christmas tradition for the rest of our lives despite the hustle and bustle of children and other things.
Finally, I hope that everyone had an amazing Christmas. I hope that you are blessed in the coming year and that your faith in Christ will deepen and blossom.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Fröhliche Weihnachten!!
Posted by Beth Ehlert at Thursday, December 25, 2008 0 comments
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
It's been a bit of a secret until now (even though so many people knew...haha), but now the cat is completely out of the bag. We'll be having our first little baby around July 10th, and we are so extremely excited.
We had our first doctor visit December 3rd, and it was incredible!! I was so nervous. I don't really know why. A part of me was scared that there would be nothing there or something would be wrong, but at the first glimpse of our little baby, we were totally in love. We were able to see the heart beating. It was so fast...185bpm. We sat there and watched the baby move for a little while. It was kicking its little leg buds and moving its hands. I couldn't believe how much like a baby it already looked.
Here's the baby's first picture:

Posted by Beth Ehlert at Tuesday, December 16, 2008 2 comments
Friday, December 05, 2008
Why I Hate Cleaning...
Most of the people of my generation were addicted to the sitcom, Friends, on tv. Those of you who know Monica know that she is the stereotypical Type A personality and clean freak. I can truly identify with Monica the most except for in one area...CLEANING! While I am a serious Type A personality, when it comes to cleaning I cringe! I don't tend to be a complainer but here are the top reasons I hate cleaning:
1. I clean, and in two days, it's back to the way it was before I cleaned.
2. Cleaning, for the most part, is mindless activity. There's no life or death problem to try and figure out. I'm not stretching my brain in any way.
3. I think that time spent making my house emaculate could be better spent making my husband happy and spending quality time with him.
Ha! So now when I invite you over to our house, you will probably think we live in filth, and that's not the case at all. It's not that I don't clean, it's just that I'm not too happy about it...lol.
I leave you with this quote that I find incredibly satisfying:
"A clean house is a sign of a wasted life."
Posted by Beth Ehlert at Friday, December 05, 2008 2 comments