I am really struggling with who to vote for in this election. Honestly, I think both candidates are pretty full of crap...haha...sorry but that's just how it is. My faith in politicians isn't so high, as you can see.
McCain Pros:
Good military record and lots of experience
Seems to have a good energy idea (notice I didn't say plan)
Doesn't agree with EMBRYONIC stem cell research
Is not for abortion
Seems like a strong leader
Doesn't necessarily believe in bringing out our troops from Iraq until we clean up the mess we've made.
Strong reaction to the Russia/Georgia conflict
McCain Cons:
I don't really understand how someone can be pro-life but pro-war.
Off shore drilling is not a good idea...maybe a short term fix but not a solution
He's republican, and i am tired of the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer. There is, frankly no middle class anymore.
Possibly another George W. Bush, and frankly, the entire world is ready for that to be over.
Obama Pros:
Wants to ultimately get the troops out of Iraq
Seems to have good rapport with the rest of the world, so he may be able to restore a bit of our image.
Young and charasmatic
Wants a lot more funding for schools and education
Obama Cons:
Speaks really well, but I'm not sure he can honestly back up what he says.
Very wishy washy when it comes to matters of faith
Supports a woman's right to an abortion. What about the kid's rights? Or the dad's?
I'm not quite sure I'm for Universal health care...not completely sold on it yet. Do you know that Germans pay over $700 per month out of their paychecks to pay for their heathcare? How many Americans could honestly afford something like that?
He's democrat...I don't like them either...haha
This is just a preliminary list. I need some feedback from people who are actually in America. Give me your arguments. If you don't want to post them on the comments, you can email me (so that no one else will see) at mrsehl@gmail.com. Please, please give me some feedback!!
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3 years ago
I'm not sure of the cost of Universal Health Care....and I'm skeptical of experience including only 4 years as a Senator part of that being spent campaigning for president...
Have you read up on John McCain's wife? She's actually quite amazing. I know that doesn't have a lot to do with him running for president but just a random thought.
I'm still doing reading and research myself.
When I was in SE Asia, the USA didn't have quite as bad of a rep as it does in other parts of the world, or at least from what I heard from people. Could have been bias...who knows.
A friend of mine said, "New candidates please." hahahahahah
I can only compare what Universal Healthcare costs here, and it's expensive. According to some of Danny's family, when you have ONLY the Universal healthcare (not additional private insurance), you are treated differently. There are some good things about it, though. I am still doing research on the whole thing.
Additionally, now that Obama has picked his VP, I am very wary of him. Biden is a staunch liberal. I honestly thought that Obama would pick someone that would be more moderate, but he obviously picked Biden based on his years and years of experience. That must be what Obama sees as his weakness.
Still not sure at this point about who to vote for. Does the innocent blood shed that occurs each time a woman has an abortion outweigh the innocent blood shed in war. I am not sure which is worse. I don't even think I could or should judge that. Gotta pray about it, really.
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