So my mom left on Monday to go back to the States. She was here for almost 2 weeks. I think she got to see a great deal in that time. We went to Paris again which was great. It rained the ENTIRE time, but we made some great memories. I was finally able to buy a painting from Montmartre, and I am so excited about it. I regretted so much not getting one last time I was there, so I knew I couldn't pass up the opportunity if I ever got another.
We also traveled all over Germany. She saw Ulm (big church), Hohenzollern (castle of the Prussian kings), Heidelberg, Dachau (concentration camp), and most of the family in Bad König, Michelstadt, and Erbach. We didn't give my mom a break!!
Now the time is coming where we have to think about leaving Germany to go back to America. I am feeling very ambivalent about it really. At first, I didn't think this year could be over soon enough, but now I am truly starting to love it here. I am sure being able to understand and speak the language helps a great deal. But there's so many things about Germany I am going to miss. A lot of the things that I used to think were so inconvenient, like having 5 different trash receptacles, I now truly appreciate. I love being able to go to a restaurant and just sit where I want. The waiters don't stand over you and bug you every five seconds. You can sit for hours, and no one sets a bill in front of you trying to hurry you out the door. It's great, really!! I've made some lasting friendships here too. Danny's family has also become very dear to me. They are the most non-judgmental people I've ever met. They don't wear the masks that so many in my family wear. They've been very accepting of me. They've never made me feel stupid in spite of my complete and total butchering of their language. I don't know. I just love them a lot.
Now we're face with a big decision. There's a possibility that we can stay another year (everyone gasp!!). At first, I was dead against it, but now I am thinking more seriously about it. But, as I was telling a friend, I don't want to stay here only because I dread going back to the drama and craziness that is the reality that I live in at home. I don't want to be a coward. I do, however, miss my great friends, and I honestly think my mom might have a cow if we stay for another year. We'd probably put off having kids for another year, b/c my mom would, for sure, kill me if I had kids here. There's a whole lot to think and pray about. The positive about staying here is that I would really be able to master the language. In just the last 2-3 months, my German has gotten SOOOOO much better. So, if anyone actually reads this, please pray for us that we make the decision that God wants for us. That's the ultimate questions really. Where does God want us to be?
I guess we'll see.
I don't know where God wants you to be, but I for one would LOVE to have you guys in Germany for one more year. Is it still a possibility? Selfish or not, I think it would be GREAT!!!!!
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